Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Winning Strategy

The purpose of this short section is not to herald Obama’s triumph. Rather, it is to examine the strategy and approach that his campaign employed. Then we will see how we can apply these same tools to growing your political portfolio in Malaysia.

The Obama campaign works because of a combination of several key components:

Personal Appeal: Barak Obama is a charismatic individual. People like him. People feel they can connect with him. He comes across as an articulate, kind, respectful man. He isn’t bombastic, argumentative, or egoistic. He isn’t an aloof, out of touch politician who comes across as haughty or privileged. Now think how many malaysian politician have these kind of appeal?

Market Analysis: Prior to beginning his campaign, Obama understood the wants and needs of his core market. As a Democrat his core market of course is those who will vote in Democratic primaries and attend Democratic caucuses. While his competitors sought to appeal to the market’s opposition to the current administration’s policies, Obama looked past the obvious opposition and recognized a more visceral need. He understood his market was suffering from a deep sense of despair and hopelessness. His market wanted change, but was desperate for someone to give them hope. He allowed his opponents to try to appeal to the brain; his strategy was to address the underlying, immediate need. Whereas his opponents addressed the visual manifestations, Obama understood his market and addressed the real issue of despair. And possibly to his surprise, he discovered that despair had spread well beyond his core market.

An in Malaysian scenario the malaysian's citizen is looking for the same thing which is 'CHANGE,' it can be change in the form of cabinate line-up, change in the government business process, change in the placement of the candidate, change in the....the bottom line is how many of our candidate really understand what his market was suffering form and what hope that they can give in order to makes things right.

Consistency of Message: Throughout his campaign, every aspect of his marketing has been consistent. His speeches, his advertisements, his interviews, his press conferences, and for the most part, even his surrogates have remained true to the message, deviating only slightly when confronted with a situation demanding a more substantive response, but immediately coming back to the central messages of hope and change. Look and click the internet, see for yourself in the youtube ther are many speeches by our party representative which is not consistent and always play a different issues.

I will provide more key components of strategy in short session on the next posts.



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